What is THE LIST?

You're Gonna Love This

Getting your personal documents created, updated, and stored can be a daunting task.

THE LIST is a great place to start

to get some momentum.

Download THE LIST and start with one row at a time.

It won't be long before THE LIST helps you have a clear picture of what you have and where.

  • You can start using this immediately
  • Helps with the What, Where, and When of Your Personal Documents
  • THE LIST is 100% Free!

I Want THE LIST (Free)

Get ready to be amazed at how easy it is to get your life organized

Get your life in order,

starting with

your most important documents



I Want THE LIST (Free)

Prepare to be astonished by how effortlessly you can bring order to your life


"I first got THE LIST to help with my mom's papers, but once I used it I had to have one for myself."


"We use THE LIST every year to make sure we are on top of things."


"Who knew that THE LIST could bring so much peace of mind, and so quickly."


"I got THE LIST, I used THE LIST, now I tell everyone about THE LIST."


"Wow! How have I lived without THE LIST for so long? So simple, why didn't I think of that?"


I Want THE LIST (Free)

Brace yourself. It's unbelievably easy to start organizing your life

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